Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter.

June 1, 2020

As we watched the news last night, I am sure that you, like me, grappled with how to talk or feel about what is going on in our country, our state and our city.  The depth and complexity is overwhelming at moments.

What can we do at Heading Home to push harder to make this world a better, more equitable and just society?

While I do not have all of the answers, what I come back to is our core beliefs around equality, equity and justice.

For these things to be pushed to a deeper level and to become more ingrained in our everyday reality, as they should and must be, speaking up is needed.

It requires standing up against those things which are wrong, harmful and unjust. 

It requires confirming when we see what is right, reparative and just. 

I, and we, are standing up against what is unjust and I am standing with each of you to help repair and make it better.

I believe that for these things to happen, we must be self-aware and conscious of who we are, what we think, feel and believe.

I believe that we must be aware, painfully at times, of our words and our actions, both as they are perceived as well as intended.

I believe that we must ask hard questions, listen closely to each other, have hard conversations and say we are sorry when we need to.

I believe that it means we must cry and laugh together.  We must bond as fellow humans.

We must be humble in knowing that we don’t know everything, nor ever can, nor will.

I believe that we must unite together when the inclination is to be separated and silent. It will not be easy; it is a daily, conscious way of being in the world. Please join me in this.  Together we are stronger.

We will follow up with information on supports and plans for how we, as an agency, stand against the targeting of African Americans, and all marginalized groups of people.

In hope and healing,

Danielle Ferrier, MBA, LICSW
CEO, Heading Home