Housewarming 2024: Team O’Neil/Marsteiner

National Development

Thank you for visiting our fundraising page! We are honored to be partnering together as part of a 40-person initiative to raise $2,000,000 for Heading Home.


Why Support Heading Home

Heading Home uplifts families and individuals towards housing independence. Your investment will fill a critical need for one of the area’s largest housing and shelter providers for homeless families with children. Heading Home’s effective housing-plus-services model helps people get and stay housed, resulting in a 90%+ retention rate in permanent housing programs for 18 consecutive years.

Promote affordable housing. 100% of Heading Home clients are extremely low-income.

Advance your ESG investments in the Boston community. Two-thirds of Heading Home clients identify as people of color or Latinx.

Disrupt cycles of generational poverty. More than half of Heading Home clients are children.

Support the dismantling of systemic racism. Invest in a core tenet of mobility: housing people.

Be a part of the solution to the housing crisis. Heading Home is one of the largest providers of housing in Massachusetts.

How to Donate

If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation to Heading Home, you may do so using one of the following three methods:

  • Via credit card by completing the billing address information at the bottom of this page and then following the “Secure Payment” link to complete the transaction
  • Via check* mailed to Heading Home’s NEW business address:
    Heading Home
    Attn: Development
    186 Massachusetts Avenue
    Boston, MA 02115

    * Please indicate Team O’Neil/Marsteiner in the memo.
  • Via donor-advised fund (Tax ID: 23-7364546)

If you would like a formal invoice for any amount or have any questions, please email Gill Garvey at

With gratitude,

Lauren O’Neil of AEW Capital Management

Ed Marsteiner of National Development

Total Raised